Glass unit
Modern types of production allow to produce absolutely different types of double-glazed windows.
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One of the basic way of assets and fuel saving is the reduction of thermal losses and heat gain that is happening through the enclosing structures and, according to foreign sources, can reach up to 30% from total amount of energy losses.
Thermographyis a scientific method of termogramm reception - image of object in an infra-red spectrum, showing temperature fields distribution. Infrared/thermal imagers detect rays in the infra-red electromagnetic spectrum (900-14000 nanometers). A device allows to see the heat radiation of surrounding objects regardless of illumination, and to measure temperature in any point of object surface with accuracy of 0.1С.
Unique possibilities of thermal imagers found their use in many areas, from industry to medicine. Also they started to be used actively in construction works.
Constant price increase of the energy products, which leads to utility bills growth, brings forth an important question about power resources saving and methods of energy-savings. Housing services and utilities are going through the period of serious reformations at this moment.
Introduction of modern energy-saving technologies, be it technological process control systems or insulating materials, first of all must be based on the exact diagnostic of defects.
For the building owner or insurance company engaged in the settlement of material damage, a clear picture of details that are invisible to the naked eye can be invaluable for recovery efforts planning and mutual payment rationalization.
The great number of new heat-insulation materials and technologies that are used today in building and construction allow to lower building heating expenses. As practice shows, because of heat-insulation defects there can be considerable thermal losses in building (about 40%). And the absence of such defects allows to lower an energy consumption down to 30%.
Thermal imager can easily find out the areas of heat leakage in building, errors in heating systems functioning, air conditioning cooling or heating systems. By repairing these areas we can save a heat and, by doing that, to avoid constant expenses on building heating. The market of build materials manufacture develops quickly lately, and utilization of this materials requires an effective analysis and adherence to impermeability and thermal isolation rules of use. Wrong utilization, and, as a result of it, unhealthy dwelling conditions from humidity and mold, must be avoided. Thermal imager will help to get important information to avoid expensive, time consuming and stressful repair works.