Stanza siding
Stanza or balcony siding with profiled sheeting (profiled sheeting, rannila)
Profiled sheeting siding of stanza or balcony — is the perfect choice for exterior finish. Such facing provides environmental protection and good design.
If you decide to winterize your stanza, the siding will prevent insulant from getting wet.
Profiled sheeting advantages:
- effective life up to 50 years
- protection from corrosion. Galvanized steel with polymer coating protects well against chemical and physical damages.
- broad array of colours and designs
- light weight

It should be remembered that the exterior finish of stanza is desirable to make prior to the glazing system installation.
Stanza exterior finishing cost (work and material on one side included)
6 m Stanza — 240 Euro + VAT
3 m Stanza — 160 Euro + VAT
You can choose the colour of profiled sheeting from the catalogue while ordering the exterior finish.

The cost and the possibility of inner finish of stanza should be negotiated separately.