Windows of Scandinavian type
Scandinavian windows enjoy the greatest popularity in the Scandinavian countries, but also at us they are gradually getting popularity.
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Color - one of the effective means of modern interior design, with which it is possible to achieve high expression. However, the color not only defines the artistic quality of space, but also helps to create the most favorable conditions for human life and activity, health, and mood.
Coloring - the ratio of all the colors included in the coloristic composition. He defined the dominant colors close shades. So, if the interior is dominated by gray-blue tones, in the presence of minor elements of yellow, brown and white, he is seen in a gray-blue color scheme.
Harmony - a natural combination of colors, contributing to their high artistic expression.
When choosing colors blinds should consider the appointment of a general solution apartment or infield.
Kitchen, bathroom, office or library is the "family" area. Here, comfort is important. Bedroom decor can decisively influence the mood and emotional state. Someone reacts negatively to certain colors and shades, so, if they will be present in the interior of the bedroom, it will interfere the normal quiet sleep. People, who had problems with normal sleep prefer blinds calm colors. In the bedroom is desirable atmosphere of total tranquility. It corresponds to warm light yellow and blue.
If in bedroom is placed work area for activities, recommended light blinds: gray-green, blue-gray and other neutral colors, promoting concentrated mental labor.
The room for preschool and primary school children color design should create a joyful atmosphere that encourages children livelihoods. Keep in mind that at an early age children like red and orange, the school - blue and green. However, despite the attraction of children to a bright and saturated colors, their use in children's room should be moderate, since found that these colors with prolonged exposure to a strong influence on a child's psyche. When you select or create blinds preference should be given a light orange, yellow, red, blue. General color of the interior a child's room should be harmonized in all the details of his equipment. Haphazard arrangement of bright patches of color, including the louvers can lead to fatigue of the child.
Room for the elderly should be solved with soothing colors, with no sharp contrasts.
Please be aware that the contrast quickly tires and degrades human mental state. Certain color combinations may cause a person joy, sadness, anxiety or melancholy. Under the influence of red raises blood pressure, respiratory rate is accelerating. Therefore it is not recommended for registration of premises, and the more bedrooms.
Orange color promotes good mood, creating a festive atmosphere.
Yellow is distinguished by clarity, freshness, vision and stimulates the nervous system.
Green - the color of leaves and grass - adjusts the tranquil mood, tends to rest.
Blue color with all its shades creates the impression of spaciousness, depth and freshness. This color is especially good for people with increased nervous excitability.
Violet adjusts to the melancholy mood, to think. But found that it not only soothes, relaxes the mind but also quickly tiring person's.