Plastic structures
Windows - primary type of activity of our company. We are dealing with windows for many years and we know everything about windows.
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The main source of air pollution in a residential area is a human being himself – residents breathe, sweat, cook, wash and smoke. There is a need for an operable ventilation system in order to remove the contaminated air from a room and guarantee a certain air exchange. The latest recommendations for ventilation in a multi-floor residential building specify not less than 30 cubic meters per hour per person.
A highly insulated modern window made of PVC, wood or aluminum passes very little air in a closed position. But if there is no inflow of the external air from outside there is also no release of contaminated air. As a result, water vapour is accumulated in the apartment with closed windows (a family of 3-4 persons gives off 20-15 liters of water per 24 hours), STUFFINESS reveals itself, the concentration of carbon dioxide and radioactive gas RADON is increased, high humidity during cold seasons leads to the formation of condensation in glass units, and, moreover, there is a very high probability of the appearance of mould on slopes and walls.
According to many parameters a sealed window is better than an old wooden window but it is behind one parameter - through leaks in the old window there was a CONSTANT entry of FRESH AIR into apartment. Already after the new windows have been purchased and installed it suddenly becomes clear that for a normal living it is necessary either to open wings EVERY HOUR for several minutes or hold a wing permanently in the “slot ventilation” mode, i.e. to come back again to leaks in the window. “Slot ventilation” means a sharp drop in the sound-insulating properties of a window, approximately from 30-32 dB to 17-18 dB. This is a return to draughts which you were so anxious to get rid of. This is a drawback in terms of a living space security – people are afraid of holding wings open leaving the flat and tightly close windows. As a result during their absence the contaminated air is accumulated and after coming back residents have to suffer from discomfort for some time – the air fails to become fresh right away. The way out is to “depressurize” windows to get entry for the outside air, i.e. to lift a window sash in any way. However, as mentioned above, the solution is far from ideal and has significant disadvantages: the deterioration of sound insulation of windows, return to draughts, and diminution of safety of glazing.
To date the problem of ventilation of any premises, equipped with the sealed windows, has been effectively solved by the application of AIR SUPPLY NOISE-PROTECTIVE DEVICES produced by the company AEREKO. Enjoying all benefits from the acquisition of new sealed windows (it became warmer, quieter, no draughts in the room) you will be able to breathe fresh air! The devices, exhibiting the same level of sound insulation as closed windows, supply the required inflow of fresh air WITHOUT INCREASE OF NOISE. Installed in the upper part of the windows and addressing a cold air jet toward the ceiling, far from the zone of people location, the devices provide NO-DRAUGHT VENTILATION because the procedure how a cold air jet mixes up with the inside air about one meter under the ceiling, warms up and slows down is absolutely imperceptible to people. The devices operate in CLOSED-WINDOW environment which dramatically enhances security aspect of glazing in terms of unauthorized access. The devices present proper ventilation equipment of high capacity (30 and more cubic meters of air per hour) bidding a compromise between the requirements to windows and ventilation of rooms. The devices AEREKO provide ventilation with closed windows, thus, eliminating the street noise and draughts. The equipment for ventilation has been produced and sold worldwide by the French company AEREKO for 20 years. Everything required to create a complete ventilation system in an apartment, private house or block of apartments is produced by the company AEREKO.