Windows of Scandinavian type
Scandinavian windows enjoy the greatest popularity in the Scandinavian countries, but also at us they are gradually getting popularity.
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Window sills
While changing windows it is desirable to change also window sills, both internal and external. White, coloured and water-proof internal window sills are available. External metallic sill courses with a plastisol coating and conventional galvanized sill courses are available. Sills are an integral part of windows which can be transformed into an expressive and stylish element. This element may be respectevely decorated by placing flowers and other decor. Window sills can be made of different materials and more frequently windowsills made of plastic, wooden and natural stone are installed in the places of residence. A plastic window sill is the most simple and affordable for everyone option. A plastic sill has good insulating properties, it does not lose shape and resistant to sunlight and moisture. A plastic sill is usually decorated by a pattern imitating natural material, for example, wood or stone. In its turn, the artificial version is not much different from natural. A plastic still is easily washable by various detergents (non-abrasive). It should be noted that waterproof boards as well as their chipboard or MDF are frequently used for the imitation of natural structure.
Wooden window sills are frequently made of the same material. Finewood is used for this purpose. Wood used for the fabrication of a window sill is seasoned and polished with mastic prepared from natural oils and wax. However, despite careful treatment wood has always been, and remains a capricious material. In the process of cleaning it is better to avoid pressing and using of abrasive particles- and- solvent- containing agents. Moreover, in turn, there is a need to upgrade the surface covering it with a layer of vanish, paint or wax three years after.